Social Media Marketing
It is everywhere, your kids know it better than you probably. But did you know that there are thousands and thousands of businesses just working from wither Facebook or Instagram with millions of followers and growing more and more each day. Because the people are here, they see, they like, they share and they buy. In todays world you don’t need to have your own website to grow online, just any account on any social media will do. The reach comes easy, if you target the right people it will sell.
Google Business Profile
This is the best thing that ever happened to local businesses. If you are the owner of shop or showroom in a local market then this is the first thing that you need to do after opening your shop. Make your Google Business Profile, get yourself verified and then start to run ads on it. For this also you wont require any website. You just need to upload your products and or services and then you can start getting more customers by making yourself rank higher than you competitors. Getting started with this service is as low as it gets.
Content Marketing
Google Ads / PPC
You all must be familiar with this. We all have seen adds while searching for something or the other on Google. You could run those ads too. PPC stands for pay per click. It is basically the model on which google ads run on. You pay Google only when someone clicks on your ads. Of course there are other strategies also. Your website could be the first thing people see when they type any product or service that you sell. If you don’t have a website we will make one for you. Your budget is anything that you decide be it ₹100 per day or ₹1,000 per day. Ads will be customized to your need so that you can get the best results. We recommend you start with at least one month of Google Ads to get an idea how it is.
Website Building
Websites are important, simply because they make your business seem more genuine and trustworthy. Any customer of yours is likely to trust you more if you have a good website. So what are you waiting for. Contact us and get yourself a brand new website for your business.